Natalia Särmäkari
Postdoctoral Researcher at Aalto University

From Physical to Digital: How Have Fashion Designers Adapted to the Change?

Natalia will delve into the adaptation of the fashion design profession from physical to digital. Contemporary technological environments change not only the tools and skill set requirements but also the whole culture of fashion design. However, the fashion field reacts slowly, and digital fashion is integrated more as a marketing strategy than an operational model. The terrain of digital fashion practices is still to be thoroughly and critically studied, especially in Finland.

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Krista Jäntti
Founder at EventuallyXR

Krista’s background lies in Metaverse, blockchain, VR, AR, AI, and IoT technologies. Her specialty areas are Product Design, UX Design, and Design Thinking. Before founding EventuallyXR, she worked as Lead UX Designer at Varjo and Design Director at Reaktor. She also has a background in coding and tinkering with hardware. Krista always wants to understand what motivates the user and how that can be turned into a viable business idea.

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